WDW January 2017 Day 7

Activity Forums Travel Trip Planning & Reports WDW January 2017 Day 7

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  • #26925
    999 XP

    Tuesday January 31st:
    6am alarm went off. We got up, finished packing and used the Internal Bus to get to the Customs House with our luggage. We checked in our checked bags with airline check in and then dropped off our carry on bag with bell services. We walked across to Barbados to catch the MK just before it pulled away! We were at MK by 8:30am. We grabbed Starbucks for breakfast since we didn’t have time to eat. We ate at the tables outside of the ice cream parlor. We forgot that they serve Mickey waffles at the ice cream parlor for breakfast, otherwise we would have had those! I picked up the Starbucks/Magic Kingdom 45th Anniversary mug while there. We then went to Space Mountain with a near walk on. We passed off the Splash Mountain Legacy paper FP’s to a family since we knew we wouldn’t use those today since it was cold and we were flying home in the clothes we were wearing. Thunder was down. So we went to Jungle Cruise with a 5 minute wait but it was really 20 minutes, they hadn’t bumped up the time on the sign yet. We then used our FP for Mine Train. Then over to Tea Cups with a 5 minute wait. Teri arrived then. We used the Mine Train paper FP’s we received for all 3 of us to ride together. We used the extra paper FP’s for Pirate’s. We then used our regular FP for Pirate’s, just because we love Pirate’s and were running out of time! We stopped in Pecos Bills for nachos really quick, they were super yummy!!! Grabbed one final Dole Whip. Teri took the monorail to the TTC so she could get to her car. We went to our bus stop and were on a bus by 1pm and to our resort bus stop by 1:25pm. We grabbed our bags at bell services and went to wait for our Tragical Express bus. It was right on time. Our bus driver was Henry and he was great and hilarious! Teri and Kailey met us at the airport for about 20 minutes and we had a very hard goodbye. But we knew I would be back to visit in less than 3 months, so that helped a bit. I hate having my sister so far from me. We were through security quickly, in less than 15 minutes. We grabbed Chipotle for dinner. Our flight was on time and landed about 10 minutes early in Austin. We grabbed some good BBQ at the airport before boarding for our 8:25pm departure. Wee actually left nearly 10 minutes early. It was not a full flight but for some reason a gal decided to sit right next to me. Ugh! We landed almost 20 minutes early into El Paso. We had our luggage and were to our car by 9pm and were home just after 10pm.
    Miles Logged 6.4

    Overall thoughts:
    This was such a fun trip and am thankful my hubby could attend a conference to make this a business trip! It was really chilly weather the entire time we were there. So we were bummed we never got to use the pool at Caribbean Beach. We were in long sleeves every day and needed jackets at night. Not the typical Florida weather we are used to! While we really enjoyed the size, theme and space in our room, the 7 bus stops was honestly the downfall to wanting to stay here again. We really seriously loved the room!! But it just seemed to take a long time to bus anywhere due to the number of stops.

    210 XP

    Lol “tragical express” that’s funny!

    182 XP

    Thanks for sharing! Happy to hear you had a fun trip.

    CBR and the bussing is all about picking the right “island”. In our stays there there has always been at least one bus ‘mishap’ but on the whole, not anything to prevent a return to the resort. We experienced cold weather on our stays as well, and only experienced a quick dip in the quiet pool.

    By the sounds of things, any D-CoTter who is there in the future will have a vastly different experience. Should be interesting to see how the resort changes :map:

    999 XP

    Lol “tragical express” that’s funny!

    I learned that phrase from @nascfan!!!! So absolutely perfect!!!

    999 XP

    Thanks for sharing! Happy to hear you had a fun trip.

    CBR and the bussing is all about picking the right “island”. In our stays there there has always been at least one bus ‘mishap’ but on the whole, not anything to prevent a return to the resort. We experienced cold weather on our stays as well, and only experienced a quick dip in the quiet pool.

    By the sounds of things, any D-CoTter who is there in the future will have a vastly different experience. Should be interesting to see how the resort changes :map:

    We did use a couple different bus stops on the trip and it was hit or miss. There weren’t major issues, but it just seemed to take a while to leave the resort! But yes, sounds like the future of CBR will be drastically different!

    999 XP

    I love that you love your sister so much and I hate that you are so far from her. You packed in some good stuff in that last half day! Thank you for sharing and taking us along! :up: :ears: :mbar: just for you. I won’t even ask for an ear! ;)

    999 XP

    I love that you love your sister so much and I hate that you are so far from her. You packed in some good stuff in that last half day! Thank you for sharing and taking us along! :up: :ears: :mbar: just for you. I won’t even ask for an ear! ;)

    Thanks Scott! I hate that I’m so far from her too! We had a busy half day for sure! Always happy to take you guys along on our trips! Aw! Thank you!!!! Well, I will give you one of your own for being so generous! :mbar:

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