Rapid Fill Mug – To Buy or Not to Buy

Activity Forums Travel Dining Rapid Fill Mug – To Buy or Not to Buy

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  • #49967
    999 XP

    Ah, yes. It looks to be a different picture but yes, the same size and shape of mug.

    392 XP

    I need to amend my previous statement within this topic. We would always get the mugs on previous trips and enjoyed having them, but we are going to forego the mugs for our upcoming trip and use those funds to purchase items via Garden Grocer. After looking at overall costs we thought it would be a better use of financial resources to go this route. We are trying something new this year and I am hopeful that it will be a good move.

    182 XP

    I am late jumping in here…

    We typically purchase the DDP which included the mugs. Even when we did not have DDP or before it was included I’ve purchased the mugs. Simply based on the fact that I drink at least 1 coffee (usually 2) each morning, plus I fill Nalgene bottles with ice and Powerade for the parks. When I was attending for rD events I also consumed heavily post-race.

    For regular water, we pack Brita sport bottles with the built in filter.

    As with DDP, it really will come down to a trip-by-trip basis yea or nay. Just have to do the math to see if it is right for you on that trip.

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