FastPass cheaters

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    258 XP

    @RocketEar99 where can one read said article?

    94 XP

    I don’t know how I didn’t know this was actually a thing going on!

    533 XP

    @Jloosh78 I don’t think he actually made an article, but he was tracking average wait times throughout the day for each crowd level and when the new FP+ rolled out, the times drastically changed with a lot of wait times going way up at previously walk-on attractions.

    23 XP

    This new fastpass system has made the standby line a much longer wait. Let me tell you a story that I think I have mentioned in another thread a few moons ago…..
    Just before the Mine Train OFFICIALLY opened, it was operating at the 24hr. event…. I believe that this was last year around Memorial Day Weekend. We were there and entered the standby not far from the Tea Cups. Now that is a long line and mind you that fastpasses were NOT distributed as the attraction was not officially open. We thought and the other guests around us, that this will be at least a 2 hr. wait. Well, I think we were on the ride within a half hour. Not too bad for not having a fastpass.

    71 XP

    I would be curious to know of all the booked FPs, how many of them go unused on any given day. Will it become like TS restaurants where they charge your CC if you don’t show up? :| :down:

    910 XP

    I would be curious to know of all the booked FPs, how many of them go unused on any given day.

    I wonder the same thing, since you can experiment with the system at a time when you have no intention of going. I hope they don’t start charging you though, we almost missed our first EPCOT FP of the day on our last trip because the standby line took far longer than the posted time. We debated getting out of line so as not to miss the FP, but we were so close we stuck with it. I think 5-10 minutes after that we were done with the ride. That’s how I found out there must be a 5 minute grace period because we were 3 minutes too late for our FP but it worked. It shouldn’t be that stressful!

    18 XP

    I would also like to know the number of no shows for fast passes. As a family, I try to release them if something comes up and we can’t use them. I hate the fact that when my annual pass 2 time comes up and I go onto MDE at 7am and there are no Fps for the more popular rides. How can that be? Do they hold some for the next group (resort guests I think) and then release some the moring of entry? I just do not understand how those FPs are gone within moments of the time opening. There must be people with lots of annual passes grabbing tickets.

    On another note, for the first time, my annual pass is blocked from it’s FP capabilities from the day before it expires. They actually used to leave it open for the month of extension but if you didn’t renew, they blocked what you added. I don’t care, I think it is fair, but maybe they are activly working on the issue. If so, I :clap: them.

    910 XP

    I hate the fact that when my annual pass 2 time comes up and I go onto MDE at 7am and there are no Fps for the more popular rides. How can that be? Do they hold some for the next group (resort guests I think) and then release some the moring of entry? I just do not understand how those FPs are gone within moments of the time opening. There must be people with lots of annual passes grabbing tickets.

    I’m not very technical, but I wonder if there’s a way to set up your computer to grab FPs when you’re not actually there? Like using an autoclicker for example? I know there are websites where people charge to book FPs for other people. I wonder how they’re doing that?

    41 XP

    I just came back from my first Disney vacation in three years. It makes complete sense to me now. Lines were outrageous and no FP options available for most rides.

    I do believe that the parks are busier as well, though. There is no more “slow season” anymore, it seems. Just a few years ago, I remember the parks being fairly empty with little waits for the major attractions during January/February, early-December and early-May periods. Now, there are always massive crowds. I hope Disney can find a way to provide more major attractions at the same pace that their attendance is increasing. Maybe a new park? :)

    910 XP

    I just came back from my first Disney vacation in three years. It makes complete sense to me now. Lines were outrageous and no FP options available for most rides.

    I do believe that the parks are busier as well, though. There is no more “slow season” anymore, it seems. Just a few years ago, I remember the parks being fairly empty with little waits for the major attractions during January/February, early-December and early-May periods. Now, there are always massive crowds. I hope Disney can find a way to provide more major attractions at the same pace that their attendance is increasing. Maybe a new park? :)

    It’s really disappointing to me because I feel like I’m paying more and more to ride less and less :down: from my experience the lack of “slow season” started at the exact time FP+ was introduced, so I’m not sure it’s an increase in attendance, in fact I’m pretty sure after the price hikes last year (combined with Zika and other factors) Disney’s attendance dropped. I think it’s just the new FP+ system screwing up crowd control

    71 XP

    I would also like to know the number of no shows for fast passes. As a family, I try to release them if something comes up and we can’t use them. I hate the fact that when my annual pass 2 time comes up and I go onto MDE at 7am and there are no Fps for the more popular rides. How can that be? Do they hold some for the next group (resort guests I think) and then release some the moring of entry? I just do not understand how those FPs are gone within moments of the time opening. There must be people with lots of annual passes grabbing tickets.

    On another note, for the first time, my annual pass is blocked from it’s FP capabilities from the day before it expires. They actually used to leave it open for the month of extension but if you didn’t renew, they blocked what you added. I don’t care, I think it is fair, but maybe they are activly working on the issue. If so, I :clap: them.

    I also try to release our FPs when I know we won’t be using them. I only book what we need and don’t pick second tier attractions I am not really interested in, for example Journey into Imagination. I have tickets on my MDE right now (took advantage of the discounted ticket offer for Canadians, no expiry – yay!) and I was able to book a FP for Soarin next week (canceled it, just wanted to see if it would take it) so that shows anyone with tickets linked to their account can just go book a bunch of FPs for the heck of it. So just think of all the folks just playing around with it like I just did, the others who think they might go next week, but don’t, or just book a bunch and later decide what they want to keep.

    Anyway, @DisneyJean, anyone can book FPs 60 days in advance with a resort reservation, so that might explain why nothing is available when you try to book some 30 days out. Not sure how far in advance you can book with APs?

    24 XP
    12 XP

    This will just be the tip of the ice berg! Mark my words the hacking will start soon. All this does is add to the impersonal lack of personal skills generation. Just look around every is looking down at the stupid phones! The place could just be an unfinished construction sit and no one would even notice! Disney is supposed to be an escape from reality for me. I don’t want to have to constantly be looking at my screen! Not to mention all hunch backs we’re going to have walking around in 40 -50 years!

    OMG YES! I say this constantly! My dad was so irritated at the new system the first time we went that he said he didn’t even enjoy his trip and he didn’t care to ever come back. (He hasn’t). I do NOT like even bringing my phone into the parks. My cell is my business phone and the worst thing in the entire world to me is seeing a client trying to call for an appointment while I’m in line for Space Mountain or something! Makes me want to jerk my hair out because my instinct is bugging me to answer the call and it just causes unnecessary anxiety. I’ll never forget looking down my row in CoP and seeing every. single. person looking at their phones during the whole show. The day I see someone walk into a fountain or into a light pole will be the greatest day ever! Disney has forced me to HAVE to bring my stupid work phone into the parks on what is supposed to be my vacation. Used to be I had all of my times and adr’s written on a little piece of paper and that was that. Simple. I think it’s just a matter of time before you have to have a credit card to reserve your FP’s because just think of how many people book them up and then don’t bother to cancel if they aren’t using them? I know good and well I don’t bother to log on to Disney’s irritating website to cancel! You know why? BECAUSE I’M ON VACATION! arrrrrghhhh! Sorry but this is my biggest pet peeve about Disney these days. Not everyone is tech savvy and there is absolutely nothing relaxing about a Disney trip these days. :angry: :angry: :angry: I miss the days of when you had fastpasses that you weren’t able to use, you could make some magic for another family and give them away! It was always fun to see their faces light up. :blush: Welp, now I’m off to try and get this big wad out of my drawls. See what you did!? LOL LOL

    12 XP


    I also try to release our FPs when I know we won’t be using them. I only book what we need and don’t pick second tier attractions I am not really interested in, for example Journey into Imagination. I have tickets on my MDE right now (took advantage of the discounted ticket offer for Canadians, no expiry – yay!) and I was able to book a FP for Soarin next week (canceled it, just wanted to see if it would take it) so that shows anyone with tickets linked to their account can just go book a bunch of FPs for the heck of it. So just think of all the folks just playing around with it like I just did, the others who think they might go next week, but don’t, or just book a bunch and later decide what they want to keep.

    Anyway, @disneyjean, anyone can book FPs 60 days in advance with a resort reservation, so that might explain why nothing is available when you try to book some 30 days out. Not sure how far in advance you can book with APs?


    Yep everybody on property gets first pic and that’s just not fair, so since Disney is so greedy, what I have done to get around this, and yes I’m admitting to cheating because frankly, I’m paying for it, and yes I want to be able to actually enjoy some things while I’m there spending my life savings….I have booked a campsite for one night that I won’t even be using just to get a CHANCE to get a few measly fastpasses. The campsite is the cheapest reservation on property and I look at it this way, I’ll get free parking (we’re staying offsite) for the 2 days that the campsite is booked for (check in day and check out day) so there is $40 of the $63 that I paid coming back to me.(Don’t get me started on parking prices! :angry: ) I learned this trick on the Dis boards. Unethical? Yep probably. Does Disney care if I show up to use that campsite? Nope, they have my money and that’s all they care about. Would I have had to do this stupid scheme back before they started making you pre-book your fast passes? Nope. Everything was based on the early bird gets the worm theory and fair was fair. This trip I have 7 people and a toddler to wrangle and any cheat or scheme that would help me, I used. Not even sorry.

    12 XP

    I just came back from my first Disney vacation in three years. It makes complete sense to me now. Lines were outrageous and no FP options available for most rides.

    I do believe that the parks are busier as well, though. There is no more “slow season” anymore, it seems. Just a few years ago, I remember the parks being fairly empty with little waits for the major attractions during January/February, early-December and early-May periods. Now, there are always massive crowds. I hope Disney can find a way to provide more major attractions at the same pace that their attendance is increasing. Maybe a new park? :)

    You are so right! January was always my goto month, provided you avoided MLK and the marathon week. For the past 10 years or so, I have seen no slow times at all and I’m always wondering where these people are coming from.

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