Disneyland November Avenger's Half Marathon Day 6

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  • #2251
    999 XP

    Tuesday November 15th:
    6am alarm. Neither of us slept well because our allergies hit hard last night. The smog had been really bad and since we ran in it Sunday and had been at the parks, it slowly got worse. So we were both up a lot due to drainage, coughing and sore throat issues. We got ready and finished packing. We dropped off our bags with the front desk. Then off to Denny’s for breakfast. Disneyland opened at 9am and we got to the hub right at rope drop. We went to Space and were on within 5 minutes. Then Buzz in 5 minutes. I lost big time! I didn’t score a single point in the first room, it didn’t seem like my gun was working properly. Off to Star Tours with a 10 minute wait. Then we walked onto Roger Rabbit in Toon Town! We haven’t ridden this ride in years! It’s really cute and fun! Then off to Thunder with a 5 minute wait! Then over to Indie with a 35 minute wait, really about 45 minutes. All of this was done by 11am! We grabbed a Dole Whip. They are now just like the awesome ones at WDW! We were so happy with that! We were asked by a CM to do a quick survey while we ate our treat. We then went and took a few more castle pics with our Coast to Coast medals. We walked through Main Street Shops and waved goodbye to our baby castle.

    We went over to California Adventure and grabbed iced teas at Starbucks then off to lunch of spaghetti and meatballs and salad at the Pier. We simply sat, ate and relaxed. Caught the Holiday of Festival shows in this area again. We were both a little slow going. We mustered up the strength to go to Toy Story with a 40 minute wait posted, but it was really only 25 minutes! I finally won!!! I haven’t beat Ryan in years! I was so excited!! We tried to get a Mickey Ice Cream bar but they were sold out. And the CM said they were sold out everywhere! Seriously?! I was so bummed! And how do they run out of ice cream bars?!?! We left California Adventure and hit up World of Disney again and finally found the Partner’s Statue Ornament! We saw it at the beginning of our trip and couldn’t find it again. The CM’s said it was limited release. But we found a single row of them! We sat and people watch in Downtown Disney for a while. Then we walked up to the Disneyland Hotel to walk through their shop. Even they were sold out of the ice cream bars! We said goodbye to Disney for this trip. We walked to our hotel, retrieved our bags, changed into jeans and rearranged our bags for our flight home.

    Our Super Shuttle was about 10 minutes early and had 2 quick stops nearby. We hit the road by 4:45pm to get to the airport for our 7:30pm flight. We hit a little traffic, but were to the airport within 20 minutes. We drank our last Pepsi can we had before heading through security. We were through very quickly. We grabbed dinner at Pei Wei and ate before our flight. We departed on time. Had a quick stop in Phoenix, but didn’t have to change planes, just dropped off and picked up people. It was nice not having to worry about connections! We landed at our airport on time. We got our luggage and got to our car by 11:15pm. We had an hour drive home and it was uneventful.
    Miles Logged 9.5

    This was such a great trip. We really took our time. We arrived on the day Disneyland started all of their Christmas celebrations. Yet, somehow, we missed seeing a lot of it! We were busy during the day and would be tuckered out pretty early. This was the first time we haven’t done a single night time event either! No fireworks, no World of Color, no parades during the day either! It was kind of nice that way though! I was sad to not see the Christmas parade, but I did see it last year. This was such a great race and course this year! I was so thankful they changed it because I was dreading the previous version! We had so much fun and look forward to going back to Disneyland in January for our Star Wars Light Side Half Marathon! Thanks for reading!

    999 XP

    It’s always the faulty gun in Buzz. ;) Great job beating Ryan on TSMM! :clap:
    You had a great trip! Thank you again for taking us along, I felt I was going from ride to ride right along with you!
    On to the Star Wars Light Side and first half of the Kessel Run Challenge!

    999 XP

    Ryan even looked over at my score and was confused at the beginning! He had already scored over 10K points and mine said 100! So I’m going with the story that it was a legit gun issue! I mean, I’m horrible at Buzz, but not THAT bad!!! LOL I was seriously beside myself when I beat him at TSMM!! He wasn’t super happy, but I reminded him that it’s been years and he was okay with that then. I love doing trip reports!!! I can’t wait for Star Wars! Better get to training again!

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