
  • Profile picture of SJGalati
    8 XP

    SJGalati gained an experience level 5 months ago

    I went from level 7 to level 8

    • [Let it Snow]
      Oh, the D-COT board is busy.
      And I am not a sissy.
      And since I like to post
      I leveled up, leveled up, leveled up!
      Oh, I don’t show signs of stopping.
      And I’m done with my shopping.
      And since I’ve nowhere to go
      Level up, level up, level up!
      When I finally say goodnight
      And I’ve read everything to see.
      Well, if you really read my stuff
      You’ll see that I leveled up!
      My computer is slowly dying
      And we’re still on here good-bying.
      But as long as ya’ll love me so
      I’ll level up, level up, level up!

    • Congrats! :mbar: :dole:

    • Congrats :up: :clap:

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