RocketEAR99 @nascfan Hiya Pal! I see the levels have been raised again, and you are still maxed out
Well just popping in to say hello and hope you are well!
jmunzert @craiden
happy happy birthday !!!
sunny34 2 sleeps until a couple days of the Art Festival!!
rlcoburn 2 days until WDW! This has been a very long week!
JesseBisceglia Just got back from an all-resort / no park trip. I haven't been on this site in years... but I'M BACK BABY! The magic's got me good once again!
macraigimm @stupidjudy happy birthday pal!
ldodson Hey, when I try listening to the jukebox it gives me the error that the page does not exist. Did I miss something or is it just a me problem?
DizLuvrKAli It's been so long and I so desperately need my D-Cot fix today! Hoping everyone is being safe and staying healthy! Love to all my D-Cot fam!
jpg828 posted a photo
Ckinnan 50 days until MNSSHP! WOOHOO!
ronnie_tx My next #DisneyTrip is in 4 days!
AVITWeb Sadly, nothing but work. Keep going back and forth "do i plan a trip, do I not plan a trip?"
laurenalexisc09 Hi everyone, I haven't been on in almost two years it seems, wow! Well I'm happy to be back, I wanted to use the jukebox
bexruns Happy New Year everyone!
MrThemeParkJunkie @ccoop73 Happy Birthday!