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Goofyfan_Chuck replied to the topic Lilo & Stitch in the forum Movies 2 hours, 29 minutes ago
Official trailer
I do wish that Ving Rhames returned as Cobra Bubbles.
jlmct52 gained an experience level 3 hours, 58 minutes ago
I went from level 693 to level 694
“Danke schon.” (Thank you in
World Showcase – Germany)
And another level up too! Congrats!
“Gracias.” (Thank you in
World Showcase country which never came to be – Venezuela.)
Venezuela (Plans were eventually scrapped following a negotiations fallout between Disney and the Venezuelan government.)
[The Outfield- Your Love]
I’m a D-COT junkie here and now
I’ll be around here for forever
So many songs that I want to play
You know I like my songs to be Disney
I just want to listen here tonight
Yeah, I’m gonna listen here tonight
I have my friends here I talk to
Somewhere I can come to listen
We’re online buddies you know me too
Stay up all nig…[Read more]-
“Toha.” (Thank you in
World Showcase country which never came to be – Israel.)
Israel (Due to ongoing national security issues, plans for the hoped-for pavilion folded.)
Jloosh78 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 4 hours ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
jlmct52 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 4 hours, 9 minutes ago
I received 10 points towards my XP!
Ferg spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 5 hours ago
I received 10 points towards my XP!
warrsm gained an experience level 5 hours, 39 minutes ago
I went from level 859 to level 860
Nice level up! Congrats!
thank you!!
[Charlie Pooth- One Call Away]
I’m only one post away
One more level up today
All you folks got nothin’ on me
I’m only one post away
I found D-COT when I needed a friend
I love the Disney music, yeah
C’mon, c’mon, c’mon
Leveled up again, nothin’ to chance
No matter when I post
I know I’m not alone
I’m only one post away
One more level up today
Yay, Stacey!!
Congratulations on your new level!
thank you!!!
Congrats on 86k!
wahooooo!! thanks!!
thank you!!
laprana spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 6 hours, 8 minutes ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
cool kid staking her spot in the fort!!! look at me seeing it same day
hope you have an excellent hump day Pal!!
sending you a sugar rush to help you get through
:cupcake:…[Read more]
Good spinning, Laura!!
Cool kids couch twins with Heather! Snuggle on in!
:churro:…[Read more]
We made it to hump day lunch! And yes, an afternoon nap is definitely in order.
:cupcake:…[Read more]
jamiedawn27 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 6 hours, 15 minutes ago
I received 2 points towards my XP!
Nascfan spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 6 hours, 16 minutes ago
I received 15 points towards my XP!
Wow! i got the unicorn today! Woohoo!
That might just be the coolest unicorn I’ve ever seen!! Oh we have to celebrate this, and the best way to do that is in the fort with tons of treats, lots of good movies, and a nice long snuggly nap!
And extra warm blankies for you today!!
:dole:…[Read more]
Why yes we do! That’s such a wonderful feast! Let’s dig in!
oh my goodness look at you with the sparkly unicorn today!!! I will pass on my unicorn cushion as I know you will put it to good use!! (did you know we had one of those?? @laprana told me the other day!!! its super sparkly and fun
time for a boat load of goodies since I am actually seeing your spin today!! :dole:…[Read more]
Oh a unicorn cushion! That’s great! Just watch out the horn doesn’t poke ya!
NICE!!! Way to spin!
Thanks so much!
Super spinning today, Scott!!
And we’re spin twins, too!
Thanks Charlie! I love when we’re spin twins because that definitely means I spun big!
:popcorn:…[Read more]
kcboston spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 6 hours, 27 minutes ago
I received 10 points towards my XP!
eeyorepoohfan spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 6 hours, 30 minutes ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
Cool kids couch for last hump day of work out there! Snuggle in!
:gingerbread:…[Read more]
Yes! I’m just keeping it regular cool!! Eek!! Almost time to move to Florida!!! Cheers, dear brother!
:icetea:…[Read more]
Super cool spin, Sis!! And we’re twinsies again!! I love it!! Let’s head to the fort, snuggle in on the couch, and nom ourselves into a food coma nap!
:churro:…[Read more]
Wahoo! I love when we are spinsie twinsies! Makes my day better! I love this plan for today! The winds are going to get nasty again here, so I’m ready to hunker down in the fort and hide from the dirt! Cheers, sis!
:churro:…[Read more]
oh sending over so much A&A to add to your day!!!
with a few
:dole:…[Read more]
Aw! Thank you so much! I needed that boost! You’re the bestest!! All the snaaaaaaaaaacks and coffee for us!!!
:mbar:…[Read more]
Good spinning, Heather!
Thanks, Charlie!
Last hump day lunch of work there!
:gingerbread:…[Read more]
Yes!!!!! I’m so excited for these countdowns!
:mbar:…[Read more]
Ccoop73 gained an experience level 6 hours, 45 minutes ago
I went from level 904 to level 905
WOOOHOOO!! Awesome job, Chuck!! You’re zooming right along! Congrats!!
yip yip yippee look at you on the downslide to the abyss!!!! I missed a bunch of level ups so here’s some happiness for you
Nice job!
[Little River Band- Lonesome Loser]
Have you heard about the D-COT member
Who is postin’ on the board every day
Have you heard about the D-COT member
The one who leveled up again today!
Sit down, take a look at your post
Don’t you want to post again
Someday your gonna level up
Well you got some points, and you leveled up today!
Have you heard abo…[
Congratulations on your new level, Pal!
Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 6 hours, 56 minutes ago
I received 10 points towards my XP!
Back to your double!
You’re big spin streak continues!! That’s so awesome! Let’s head to the fort for lots of treats, movies and naps! You have to keep your energy up to keep getting these big spin!!
:mbar:…[Read more]
super cool spinsie twinsies wahooooooo! here comes the buffet train!!! woot woot!
lets get started~
:turkey:…[Read more]
Nice spinning this morning, Pal!
bosoxx113 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 7 hours, 53 minutes ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
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