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lgarcia313 gained an experience level 1 year, 1 month ago
I went from level 3 to level 5
lgarcia313 gained an experience level 3 years, 4 months ago
I went from level 2 to level 3
lgarcia313's profile was updated 4 years, 8 months ago
lgarcia313 gained an experience level 4 years, 8 months ago
I went from level 1 to level 2
Way to go
[Alan Jackson- Remember When]
Remember when, we discovered Disney World
We were young, and we called each other hon’
Walk the street, hand in hand
Saw Mickey and the land
Remember when…..
Remember when, we took the kids for their first trip
Time stood still, as they saw the Castle tip
First we laughed, then we cried
For the shining in their eye…[Read more]
lgarcia313 gained an experience level 4 years, 10 months ago
I went from level 0 to level 1
Congrats on level up 1!
[Frozen- For the First Time in Forever]
I open my laptop, click a tab
There’s my D-COT, ain’t that fab!
Now I can listen to my Disney, songs!
For years wondered how to get, Disney music on my set.
Fin-a-lly I found a home and met….
A ton of real nice people. Who love to talk Dis-ney.
I found a place and now I feel at home….
[Chorus] And for the…[
Way to go
Keep moving forward!
Congrats on #1!!!
Congrats on the first one up!
Congrats on your double level up!