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warrsm gained an experience level 5 hours, 46 minutes ago
I went from level 859 to level 860
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 8 hours, 53 minutes ago
I received 10 points towards my XP!
Double cool hump day!
it was all Stef today!!! he is proud
Woohoo!! Double cool Huuuumpdaaaaay spinsies twinsies!! This is perfect for another smorgasbord breakfast!
Cheers Twin!!
:churro:…[Read more]
oooh Hump Day spinsie twinsies!!! endless breakfast buffet for us!!!
complete with mimosas!!
YAAAAHOOO!!! A double cool Hump Day spin!! That’s so awesome!
How about double the treats, furry pal snuggles, movies and naps to go with it? I’ve got the buffet loaded, you just sit back, relax and snack!
:mbar:…[Read more]
oh i will take it all!!! thanks so much, its needed and most appreciated! but only if you hide out with me today!!
I am back in your playlist today too, just making my way through that wonderful Land
warrsm gained an experience level 8 hours, 55 minutes ago
I went from level 858 to level 859
all that catching up again finally!!!
Congrats Pal!!!
had a lot of reading and catching up to do
Way to go, Stacey!!! You’ll be maxed out again in no time!! Congrats to you!!
all you guys keep me moving up and up!!
[Kenny Loggins- Danger Zone]
Listen to my music, get into the Disney zone
Always under tension, usually I’m on my phone
Head back to my Disney zone
Soarin’ music, not alone
Headin’ home from work, gonna plan a trip tonight
Had all I can take, now I’m gonna go take flight
Head back to my Disney zone
Soarin’ music, not alone
I never told my boss I…[Read more]-
warrsm and
crin20 are now friends 1 day, 4 hours ago
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 1 day, 9 hours ago
I received 10 points towards my XP!
Double cool Tuesday!
thank you!
is it Tuesday, honestly I feel like I can’t control my days anymore! I am going to try and catch up right now so i apologize for bombarding your notifications
Good luck!
A doubly cool spin and you and Scott are double cool twins today!!
That definitely calls for a get together in the fort with tons of treats, movies and naps!! Let’s go!
:mbar:…[Read more]
can I just climb in the fort and never leave! I feel that would be just what I need after the last couple weeks!! thank you thank you!! I humbly accept every single treat and hope you will join me and enjoy them!!!
Absolutely you can!! And I will most definitely join you, but I’m not leaving until tax season is over!!
oh that’s right its your insanity time!!! ok here comes more good stuff!
:churro:…[Read more]
Great spinning today, Stacey!
thank you!!!
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 2 days, 8 hours ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
Cool kids couch! Spending Monday right where we should be.
oh were we twinning!! that makes my day most spectacular!! sending yummy treats right back at ya’
Good Monday morning spinning, Stacey!
Thanks Charlie!!
A super duper cool spin and we’re twinsies!!
That’s a great way to start the week! Let’s make it even better with treats and naps and movies in the fort!
:mbar:…[Read more]
twinsies to start our week!
yay and hooray!!! I know I have missed many days so lets enjoy all these tasty goodies together please!!
Good Spin
thank you!!!
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 3 days, 6 hours ago
I received 15 points towards my XP!
Woohoo!! Maybe I’ll finally have some time for catch up today too
:popcorn:…[Read more]
Awesome Spin
thank you!!!
Sunday unicorn! Woohoo!
I know, quite a surprise!!!!!
Excellent Sunday spinning, Stacey! And we’re spin twins, too!
hooray for triply twinning!!!
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 4 days, 8 hours ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 5 days, 8 hours ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
Cool kids couch! Happy Friyay!
my happy place for sure!!
Yahooo!!! Spin Triplets with @nascfan!!!
Gotta have a breakfast celebration for that!!
Enjoy Pal!!
:wol:…[Read more]
wahoooo most excellent!!!! oh please join me for this splendid breakfast!!! its so much better woth pals!!
I would
to! It is much better with Pals
Thanks so much Pal!!
Good spinning this morning, Stacey!
thank you Charlie!
Good Spin
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 6 days, 7 hours ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
Cool kids couch! Happy Friday eve!
so happy its was almost Friday, was sick most of the week and that just made it crawl by!!
Aww sorry you were sick. Hope you’re better now.
just a cold that hit me hard for a few days, was happy was not the flu like so many I know have been taken out by. was mostly a really really sore throat and post nasal drip with that annoying cough that is still lingering around, but much much better thanks!!
That cough just hangs on so long! Glad it was not the flu.
Good Spin
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 1 week ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
Cool kids couch hump day!
the coolest!!
Cool Kids Couch breakfast time!!!
Dig in Pal!!
:wol:…[Read more]
oh my goodness that was super tasty!!! thanks a million!!!
You’re so welcome my friend!
YAAAAY!! A super duper cool spin for my super duper cool Pal!!
It feels like a good day to hunker down in the fort and do nothing but nom treats, snuggle with our furry pals and take nice long naps! These should give us a good start!
:mbar:…[Read more]
I feel like I could hunker down and nap every day! lets do it!!!
Good Spin
thank you!!
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 1 week, 1 day ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
Cool kids couch!
my happy place away from my Happy Place!
A super duper cool spin and we’re twinning!! My day instantly got brighter!
We should celebrate our twin coolness with treats, movies and naps in the fort! Let’s go!!
:mbar:…[Read more]
sorry i missed so many!!!! sending treats and hugs and snuggles right back!!
Don’t you worry about it for one minute!! I know how it is…some days I can’t even get on here just to get my spin! The good thing about D-Cot treats is they never go bad, so they’ll always be ready for you whenever you can get to them!
oh that’s so very true!!! and my bestest Pals are always here when I get back
Good spinning, Stacey!
thank you Charlie!
Good Spin
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 1 week, 2 days ago
I received 15 points towards my XP!
Woooo! Unicorn Monday! That’s a great start to the week!
I feel like I have had more unicorns in the last couple months than all my years here combined
YAAAAHOOOO!!! Now that’s the way to start the week!! Way to go, Stacey!!
This needs celebrating, and we can’t do that without treeeeeeats!!
I’ll load up the buffet and you get comfy on the unicorn cushion of the couch! We’ll nom and nap and watch movies all day!
:dole:…[Read more]
oh my gosh a unicorn cushion!!!! is it all sparkly?? yippee!!! thanks so much Laura!!!!
Great spinning today, Stacey!
thanks Charlie!! I am learning from you!!
:popcorn:…[Read more]
Awesome Spin
warrsm gained an experience level 1 week, 3 days ago
I went from level 857 to level 858
And a level up too! Congrats!
thank you!!
[Bette Midler- Wind Beneath My Wings]
You all must be lonely in my shadow
As I level up, once again
You were content to let me, climb, every day
Watched as I leveled up each day….
You just need to know I won’t forget you
As I post my way, to the top
When I top out, I will keep posting
Helping you climb up here with me
Did you ever know that you…[Read more]-
couldn’t do it without all of you, thats for sure!!
Congratulations, Stacey!
thank you!!
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 1 week, 3 days ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
- Load More
Nice level up! Congrats!
thank you!!
[Charlie Pooth- One Call Away]
I’m only one post away
One more level up today
All you folks got nothin’ on me
I’m only one post away
I found D-COT when I needed a friend
I love the Disney music, yeah
C’mon, c’mon, c’mon
Leveled up again, nothin’ to chance
No matter when I post
I know I’m not alone
I’m only one post away
One more level up today
Al…[Read more]
Yay, Stacey!!
Congratulations on your new level!
thank you!!!
Congrats on 86k!
wahooooo!! thanks!!
thank you!!