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HDNMCKY added a song to their favorites 3 days, 9 hours ago
Magic Kingdom – Tomorrowland – TRON Lightcycle Run ~ Area Loop
HDNMCKY gained an experience level 1 week, 1 day ago
I went from level 1 to level 3
Congrats on your double level up!
[John Michael Montgomery- Life’s a Dance]
When I’m on D-COT I am havin’ fun
Never give up till the job is done
Postin’ and listenin’ here to everyone
Leveling up, and I’m on the run.
Catch Laprana, that is my goal
Get to the top, and out of the hole
Go-in’ back down to the World
That’ll be better than winnin’ gold.Leveled up, oh yeah I d…[Read more]
Awesome! Congrats!
HDNMCKY spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 1 month, 2 weeks ago
I received 2 points towards my XP!
HDNMCKY gained an experience level 2 months ago
I went from level 0 to level 1
Congrats on level up 1!
The journey begins
[Frozen- For the First Time in Forever]
I open my laptop, click a tab
There’s my D-COT, ain’t that fab!
Now I can listen to my Disney, songs!
For years wondered how to get, Disney music on my set.
Fin-a-lly I found a home and met….
A ton of real nice people. Who love to talk Dis-ney.
I found a place and now I feel at home….
[Chorus] And for the…[Read more]-
I love your song!! Thank you!
Congrats on making it on the scoreboard
HDNMCKY's profile was updated 2 months, 4 weeks ago
HDNMCKY became a registered member 2 months, 4 weeks ago
Enjoy the great music
and the friendly people!
Welcome to D-COT!
Thank you, everyone! I just heard about you on a Disney podcast and am very excited! Usually I just go looking for background loops on youtube, but this looks much more fun! Still finding my way around…