Mike Carofine
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Mike Carofine gained an experience level 18 hours, 43 minutes ago
I went from level 0 to level 2
Mike Carofine became a registered member 1 day, 20 hours ago
Welcome to D-COT!107
Congrats on your first two level ups!
[Frozen- For the First Time in Forever]
I open my laptop, click a tab
There’s my D-COT, ain’t that fab!
Now I can listen to my Disney, songs!
For years wondered how to get, Disney music on my set.
Fin-a-lly I found a home and met….
A ton of real nice people. Who love to talk Dis-ney.
I found a place and now I feel at home….
[Chorus] And for the…[Read more]
The journey begins
Nice double jump