Active 23 hours, 26 minutes ago Listened to Walt Disney World - Monorail - Disney Resort Monorail Complete Loop
cth0511 My next Disney trip is in 57 days!
eeyorepoohfan @croaker Wishing you a very happy and magical birthday!
laprana @craiden Happy Birthday, Pal!! I hope it's magical!
jafarsboy @2goofy Loving all the new screens and set ups. I'm a little tech adverse, so I am sure it will be fun just poking around.
lemontwist @mickeyd78 Have a magical birthday, pal!
connie96 If my company hadn't canceled my conference trip, I'd be getting settled in at Coronado Springs right now. But, here I am. At my desk. I wasn't really all that bummed (or surprised) when they made the decision a few weeks ago to cancel due to Orlando's rise in COVID cases. But, today... well, today, I'm feeling pretty bummed...
Jloosh78 @kcboston Happity happy birthday pal!!!!
missingWDW @starbee Happiest of birthday wishes to you, Chloe!!!
Grumpytude posted a photo
RocketEAR99 @nascfan Hiya Pal! I see the levels have been raised again, and you are still maxed out
Well just popping in to say hello and hope you are well!
disneyfan1966 My next #DisneyTrip is in 297 days!
mjpalmierisr @courtneyandjake18 Happy Birthday
EricaSonic22 posted 10 photos
Supernee Hi Friends! I am back to bask in the Disney magic with everyone!
disneyfn420 I'm getting a page not found when I try to access the jukebox? Is it down?
coderip12 posted a photo
Good afternoon everyone. Could someone tell us where and how to renew the supporter membership?
502 errors have been an issue so we will offer a thank you in advance to everyone in case we can't later. We hope everyone is having a swell day!!!
DarthSeverus I'm back!!!!
Acamm I'm in LOVE with this Poca mug on the Shop Disney website! https://www.shopdisney.com/pocahontas-mug-465034450465.html?isProductSearch=1&plpPosition=27&searchType=regular
piglet54 Thank you EVERYONE for the birthday wishes! I had a fantastic 65th!