The Liberty Story – Another Deep Dive on Disney+
Story telling. That is what the Disney Product is and that is what it does. No matter what you get, where you go, there is a story. Go to a Disney Store, and it is filled with stories. Go to the parks, and while waiting in line, there is a story, the food at the restaurants have a story, the attractions have a story. Sail on a cruise, story story story.
Nobody tells a story better either. But one other thing these stories do, they Teach. That is the pure genius of the design. Whether it is history, love, or just… (did I say “just” shame on me)… a moral, Disney stories have something to be learned.
Walt had a great love for America, and wanted to inspire people to understand what it took to build this nation. Yes, Walt was political, whether we like it or not, that is reality. But politics aside, it came from love and respect for this country, and he recognized what it took to get us here.
The Frontierland original dedication read:
“Frontierland. It is here that we experience the story of our country’s past. The color, romance and drama of frontier America as it developed from wilderness trails to roads, riverboats, railroads and civilization. A tribute to the faith, courage and ingenuity of our hearty pioneers who blaze the trails and made this progress possible.“
The Liberty Story (Released 1957) is such a feature.
Through story Walt teaches us and wished to pass on his love and respect for what it took to get this nation to where it is today. Recent political events aside, and not choosing sides… I recently watched The Liberty Story (in Black and White mind you!) on Disney+.
Highlights from the Johnny Tremain story: Johnny Tremain gives us historical insight to Boston and the events leading to the Boston Tea party and the Shot that was Heard Around the World:
And an animated story of Ben and Me. The story of Ben Franklin told through the eyes of Amos (voice of Sterling Holloway) the mouse.
Not only are they entertaining, with the animated feature containing numerous Disney style site gags, you can tell the reverence in the story being told. There is much creative license going on, but you can feel what is being taught. I could feel it. It was tangible to me. That is what the power of Disney can do.
This feature is available on Disney+ and it just may be the inspiration we need as a people and country (did I just go to far? I apologize… or do I?). Walt wanted everyone to understand that getting here wasn’t easy. That there was and still is an incredible cost to arrive where we are and keep what we have. Walt loved this country and dearly wanted to inspire and teach that love to others. He wanted to share why patriotism isn’t entitled, it is earned through the blood and sacrifice made by others before us, and currently given to us. And this country loved Walt Disney. President Lyndon B. Johnson showed this as a nation when he awarded Walt with the Medal of Freedom in 1964. The highest civilian honor this country can award.
If you have an hour, and a subscription to Disney+, as I presume many of you do, may I suggest you pop some corn, pour yourself a glass of Tea….. er, um, milk and watch this hour of history, story and respect for a people who fought and in many cases, gave their lives for the country we enjoy today, and please, watch with your children. If nothing else, it is great entertainment. That being said, while you watch, take a moment to remember those who gave all there is to give. Remember those who are currently giving. Remember our Sons and Daughters of Liberty!!!!!!!!
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Nice article! I had seen both The Liberty Story and Johnny Tremain long before Disney+ existed. I’m a huge fan of both – but then I’m a huge fan of all that Walt did. If you can find any episodes from the Swamp Fox series, those are really good too! And in case anyone’s wondering, I like my coffee with cream and sugar and my tea in the harbor!
Thank you for the article, I haven’t watched Johnny Tremain nor The Liberty Story so it’s on my list.