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Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 20 minutes ago
I received 15 points towards my XP!
Eagle90 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 1 hour, 38 minutes ago
I received 7 points towards my XP!
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 2 hours, 56 minutes ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
lemontwist spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 21 hours, 35 minutes ago
I received 2 points towards my XP!
Ferg spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 23 hours, 46 minutes ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
Ccoop73 gained an experience level 1 day, 1 hour ago
I went from level 902 to level 903
HOOORAAAAY!!! Way to go, Chuck!! You’re zooming up those levels! Congrats!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
[The Eagles- Hotel California]
On hot summer’s evening, cool drink in my hand
I’m dreamin’ of Disney, and how I’ll get back to the Land
Listenin’ to some Disney, with my D-COT buddies
I post a little bit on the board, I leveled up again.
Then I got an idea, why not plan a trip
And I was thinking to myself, do I pick Poly or Riverside now
Then…[Read more]-
Thanks so much Pal!!
Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 1 day, 1 hour ago
I received 15 points towards my XP!
HOLY MOLY!! A double unicorn?!? That’s so awesome!!
We’ve gotta celebrate this, and we can’t do that without tons of treats, lots of snuggles and a few (or more than a few) good naps!
And you know who is NOT invited!!
:mbar:…[Read more]
WOOOHHHOOO!!!! This sounds AMAZING!!
All snuggled in and not moving today!
Thanks so much Pal!!
:popcorn:…[Read more]
Thanks so much Pal!!
Back to back unicorns! Wow!
And I’m running with it!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Awesome Spin
Thanks so much Pal!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 1 day, 3 hours ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
Cool kids couch hump day!
Cool Kids Couch breakfast time!!!
Dig in Pal!!
:wol:…[Read more]
YAAAAY!! A super duper cool spin for my super duper cool Pal!!
It feels like a good day to hunker down in the fort and do nothing but nom treats, snuggle with our furry pals and take nice long naps! These should give us a good start!
:mbar:…[Read more]
Good Spin
Eagle90 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 1 day, 3 hours ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
Jloosh78 gained an experience level 1 day, 4 hours ago
I went from level 257 to level 258
And a level up too! Congrats!
Jloosh78 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 1 day, 4 hours ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
Eagle90 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 2 days ago
I received 2 points towards my XP!
Ferg spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 2 days ago
I received 10 points towards my XP!
Ferg gained an experience level 2 days ago
I went from level 257 to level 258
Thank you so much!
Congratulations on your new level!
Thank you very much!
[Army Song tune]
Listen here, all you peeps. I just leveled up so weep!
And now I am, rollin’ along.
Post again, play along, I am feeling like I won.
And now I am, rollin’ along.
And it’s Hi, Hi, Hey! I am on my way!
Count up the levels loud and strong!
For where ‘ere you go, you will always know.
That I am, rollin’ along.
I love it! WIll be humming all day now!
Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 2 days, 1 hour ago
I received 15 points towards my XP!
WAAAAHOOOO!! Look at that beautiful unicorn!!
Way to go, Chuck!! Let’s head to the fort and hide from you know who! I’ll load up the buffet and we can nap and nom treats and watch movies all day long!
:mbar:…[Read more]
YYYEEEESSSS!!!!! This is the most perfect plan!!
I’m snuggling in and…nom, nom, nom…preparing for our first food coma nap
Thanks so much Laura!!!
Nice spin!
Thanks so much Pal!!!
Thanks so much Pal!!!
Upped the double to a unicorn today! Well done!
Thanks so much Pal!!!
:popcorn:…[Read more]
Thanks so much Pal!!!
Wow!! Great spinning today, Pal!!
Thanks so much Pal!!!
Awesome Spin
Thanks so much Pal!!!
Jloosh78 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 2 days, 1 hour ago
I received 10 points towards my XP!
warrsm spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 2 days, 2 hours ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
Cool kids couch!
A super duper cool spin and we’re twinning!! My day instantly got brighter!
We should celebrate our twin coolness with treats, movies and naps in the fort! Let’s go!!
:mbar:…[Read more]
Good spinning, Stacey!
Good Spin
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Another one? Okay your herd is big enough.