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benjyt gained an experience level 1 month, 2 weeks ago
I went from level 6 to level 7
benjyt gained an experience level 8 months ago
I went from level 5 to level 6
[The Righteous Brothers- You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling]
I listen every day
And spin the wheel when I wake up
There’s no lovin’ lost
When the Gremlin messes me up
I’m tryin’ hard not to show it
Gremlin, Gremlin you know it
I’ve lost that lovin’ feelin’
Oh that lovin’ feelin’
I’ve lost that lovin’ feeling’
You are not, my, pal, no-oh-oh-o
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[Under the Sea- Little Mermaid]
My posting is always cooler
When I am a little sly
I’m looking for some attention
Today it’s about my time
But now I’m a little sloppy
I spilled my banana drink
And now my computer’s blinking
And I don’t know what to think
Trolling the board
Trolling the board
Hey folks I’d better
Hear some confessions…[Read more]