
  • Profile picture of Ccoop73
    903 XP

    Ccoop73 gained an experience level 1 day ago

    I went from level 902 to level 903

    • HOOORAAAAY!!! Way to go, Chuck!! You’re zooming up those levels! Congrats!! :) :up: :clap: :dole: :mbar: :churro: :cupcake: :coffee: :mint:

    • :up: :wave: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: 116

    • Congrats! :mbar: :mbar: :dole: :dole:

    • Congrats :up: :clap:

    • [The Eagles- Hotel California]
      On hot summer’s evening, cool drink in my hand
      I’m dreamin’ of Disney, and how I’ll get back to the Land
      Listenin’ to some Disney, with my D-COT buddies
      I post a little bit on the board, I leveled up again.
      Then I got an idea, why not plan a trip
      And I was thinking to myself, do I pick Poly or Riverside now
      Then I fired up the ‘puter, and started postin’ away
      There were people on D-COT, and I thought I heard them say
      C’mon man, go back down to Disney
      Such an awesome place (such an awesome place)
      You gotta pick up the pace
      Lotsa good times when I’m back home down at Disney
      Any time is good (any time is good)
      And now I think I’m good…..

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