
  • Profile picture of warrsm
    826 XP

    warrsm gained an experience level 2 weeks ago

    I went from level 822 to level 823

    • Congratulations on your new level, Stacey!! :balloon: :balloon: :clap: :clap:

    • :up: :wave: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Excellent!

    • Congrats :up: :clap:

    • [Kyrie-Mister Mister]
      The board is slow, I think I’ll jump back in.
      And post some stuff for them to see.
      I hope they see it and get back to me.
      So I can write some stuff again.
      My hands are cold I think I’ll go work out.
      Maybe ru-un like bexruns.
      Then again I may just stay right here.
      And post some more, my points so dear.
      Level up today, I think I want to do that now-ow.
      Level up today and let ever-y-one here know how.
      Level up today and see them give me lots of cool stuff.
      Level up today and get some more points on my XP!
      When I was young, a brand new D-COTter.
      I never thought that I could be.
      As cool as laprana and the others too.
      Guess I was wrong, woo-hoo I see!
      Level up today, I think I want to do that now-ow.
      Level up today and let ever-y-one here know how.
      Level up today and see them give me lots of cool stuff.
      Level up today and get some more points on my XP!

New Report
