
  • Profile picture of rustypelican38
    3 XP

    rustypelican38 gained an experience level 4 years ago

    I went from level 2 to level 3

    • Congrats! :dole: :mbar:

    • Way to go :D

    • [Blake Shelton-Austin]
      She left without leavin’ a number, said she needed to level up.
      We figured she’d gone back to listnin’, to Disney music in the tub.
      She waited three days, to level up again.
      Didn’t know what she’d say. But we saw three posts and then…..
      If you’re wondering where I’ve been, don’t wor-ry!
      I am really in no hurry.
      To level up again, so watch the boards, I’m on, and drinkin a slurpy.
      By the way folks, if you post enough, like me real soon….
      You’ll level up, just like me, postin’ daily.

    • Congrats!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

    • :up: :up:

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